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Davina Sparkle

Ladies Night: Davina Sparkle
Outrageous Drag Queen

Drag Queen Comedian Davina Sparkle does all forms of venue's & shows from Hotels, Pubs, Comedy Clubs, Mixed Cabaret Nights, Corporate and MOD Functions and even Ladies Hen Nights. In 2017 Davina's is celebrating his 21st year in the...

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Miss Dot Com

Ladies Night: Miss Dot Com
Drag Queen/Drag Artiste

If you are looking for the consummate professional Drag Queen female impersonator with sex appeal, class, style, chic sophistication and saucy elegance then Miss Dot Com is your perfect entertainer for the evening. Miss Dot Com is...

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My Shortlist

Davina Sparkle
Davina Sparkle
Miss Dot Com
Miss Dot Com